
new Cesium.Color(red, green, blue, alpha)

A color, specified using red, green, blue, and alpha values, which range from 0 (no intensity) to 1.0 (full intensity).
Name Type Default Description
red Number 1.0 optional The red component.
green Number 1.0 optional The green component.
blue Number 1.0 optional The blue component.
alpha Number 1.0 optional The alpha component.


static constant Cesium.Color.ALICEBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0F8FF

static constant Cesium.Color.ANTIQUEWHITE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FAEBD7

static constant Cesium.Color.AQUA : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FFFF

static constant Cesium.Color.AQUAMARINE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7FFFD4

static constant Cesium.Color.AZURE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0FFFF

static constant Cesium.Color.BEIGE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5F5DC

static constant Cesium.Color.BISQUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFE4C4

static constant Cesium.Color.BLACK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #000000

static constant Cesium.Color.BLANCHEDALMOND : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFEBCD

static constant Cesium.Color.BLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #0000FF

static constant Cesium.Color.BLUEVIOLET : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8A2BE2

static constant Cesium.Color.BROWN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A52A2A

static constant Cesium.Color.BURLYWOOD : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DEB887

static constant Cesium.Color.CADETBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #5F9EA0

static constant Cesium.Color.CHARTREUSE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7FFF00

static constant Cesium.Color.CHOCOLATE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D2691E

static constant Cesium.Color.CORAL : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF7F50

static constant Cesium.Color.CORNFLOWERBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #6495ED

static constant Cesium.Color.CORNSILK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFF8DC

static constant Cesium.Color.CRIMSON : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DC143C

static constant Cesium.Color.CYAN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FFFF

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00008B

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKCYAN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #008B8B

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKGOLDENROD : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B8860B

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKGRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A9A9A9

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #006400

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKGREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A9A9A9

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKKHAKI : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #BDB76B

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKMAGENTA : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8B008B

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKOLIVEGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #556B2F

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKORANGE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF8C00

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKORCHID : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9932CC

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKRED : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8B0000

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKSALMON : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #E9967A

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKSEAGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8FBC8F

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKSLATEBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #483D8B

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKSLATEGRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #2F4F4F

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKSLATEGREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #2F4F4F

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKTURQUOISE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00CED1

static constant Cesium.Color.DARKVIOLET : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9400D3

static constant Cesium.Color.DEEPPINK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF1493

static constant Cesium.Color.DEEPSKYBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00BFFF

static constant Cesium.Color.DIMGRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #696969

static constant Cesium.Color.DIMGREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #696969

static constant Cesium.Color.DODGERBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #1E90FF

static constant Cesium.Color.FIREBRICK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B22222

static constant Cesium.Color.FLORALWHITE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFAF0

static constant Cesium.Color.FORESTGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #228B22

static constant Cesium.Color.FUCHSIA : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF00FF

static constant Cesium.Color.GAINSBORO : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DCDCDC

static constant Cesium.Color.GHOSTWHITE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F8F8FF

static constant Cesium.Color.GOLD : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFD700

static constant Cesium.Color.GOLDENROD : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DAA520

static constant Cesium.Color.GRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #808080

static constant Cesium.Color.GREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #008000

static constant Cesium.Color.GREENYELLOW : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #ADFF2F

static constant Cesium.Color.GREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #808080

static constant Cesium.Color.HONEYDEW : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0FFF0

static constant Cesium.Color.HOTPINK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF69B4

static constant Cesium.Color.INDIANRED : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #CD5C5C

static constant Cesium.Color.INDIGO : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #4B0082

static constant Cesium.Color.IVORY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFFF0

static constant Cesium.Color.KHAKI : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F0E68C

static constant Cesium.Color.LAVENDAR_BLUSH : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFF0F5

static constant Cesium.Color.LAVENDER : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #E6E6FA

static constant Cesium.Color.LAWNGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7CFC00

static constant Cesium.Color.LEMONCHIFFON : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFACD

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #ADD8E6

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTCORAL : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F08080

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTCYAN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #E0FFFF

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FAFAD2

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTGRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D3D3D3

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #90EE90

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTGREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D3D3D3

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTPINK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFB6C1

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTSEAGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #20B2AA

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTSKYBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #87CEFA

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTSLATEGRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #778899

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTSLATEGREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #778899

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTSTEELBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B0C4DE

static constant Cesium.Color.LIGHTYELLOW : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFFE0

static constant Cesium.Color.LIME : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FF00

static constant Cesium.Color.LIMEGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #32CD32

static constant Cesium.Color.LINEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FAF0E6

static constant Cesium.Color.MAGENTA : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF00FF

static constant Cesium.Color.MAROON : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #800000

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMAQUAMARINE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #66CDAA

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #0000CD

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMORCHID : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #BA55D3

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMPURPLE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9370DB

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMSEAGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #3CB371

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMSLATEBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #7B68EE

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FA9A

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMTURQUOISE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #48D1CC

static constant Cesium.Color.MEDIUMVIOLETRED : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #C71585

static constant Cesium.Color.MIDNIGHTBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #191970

static constant Cesium.Color.MINTCREAM : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5FFFA

static constant Cesium.Color.MISTYROSE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFE4E1

static constant Cesium.Color.MOCCASIN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFE4B5

static constant Cesium.Color.NAVAJOWHITE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFDEAD

static constant Cesium.Color.NAVY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #000080

static constant Cesium.Color.OLDLACE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FDF5E6

static constant Cesium.Color.OLIVE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #808000

static constant Cesium.Color.OLIVEDRAB : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #6B8E23

static constant Cesium.Color.ORANGE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFA500

static constant Cesium.Color.ORANGERED : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF4500

static constant Cesium.Color.ORCHID : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DA70D6

static Cesium.Color.packedLength : Number

The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.

static constant Cesium.Color.PALEGOLDENROD : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #EEE8AA

static constant Cesium.Color.PALEGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #98FB98

static constant Cesium.Color.PALETURQUOISE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #AFEEEE

static constant Cesium.Color.PALEVIOLETRED : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DB7093

static constant Cesium.Color.PAPAYAWHIP : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFEFD5

static constant Cesium.Color.PEACHPUFF : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFDAB9

static constant Cesium.Color.PERU : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #CD853F

static constant Cesium.Color.PINK : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFC0CB

static constant Cesium.Color.PLUM : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #DDA0DD

static constant Cesium.Color.POWDERBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #B0E0E6

static constant Cesium.Color.PURPLE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #800080

static constant Cesium.Color.RED : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF0000

static constant Cesium.Color.ROSYBROWN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #BC8F8F

static constant Cesium.Color.ROYALBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #4169E1

static constant Cesium.Color.SADDLEBROWN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #8B4513

static constant Cesium.Color.SALMON : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FA8072

static constant Cesium.Color.SANDYBROWN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F4A460

static constant Cesium.Color.SEAGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #2E8B57

static constant Cesium.Color.SEASHELL : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFF5EE

static constant Cesium.Color.SIENNA : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #A0522D

static constant Cesium.Color.SILVER : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #C0C0C0

static constant Cesium.Color.SKYBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #87CEEB

static constant Cesium.Color.SLATEBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #6A5ACD

static constant Cesium.Color.SLATEGRAY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #708090

static constant Cesium.Color.SLATEGREY : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #708090

static constant Cesium.Color.SNOW : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFAFA

static constant Cesium.Color.SPRINGGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #00FF7F

static constant Cesium.Color.STEELBLUE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #4682B4

static constant Cesium.Color.TAN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D2B48C

static constant Cesium.Color.TEAL : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #008080

static constant Cesium.Color.THISTLE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #D8BFD8

static constant Cesium.Color.TOMATO : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FF6347

static constant Cesium.Color.TRANSPARENT : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS transparent.

static constant Cesium.Color.TURQUOISE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #40E0D0

static constant Cesium.Color.VIOLET : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #EE82EE

static constant Cesium.Color.WHEAT : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5DEB3

static constant Cesium.Color.WHITE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFFFF

static constant Cesium.Color.WHITESMOKE : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #F5F5F5

static constant Cesium.Color.YELLOW : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #FFFF00

static constant Cesium.Color.YELLOWGREEN : Color

An immutable Color instance initialized to CSS color #9ACD32
The alpha component.
Default Value: 1.0
The blue component.
Default Value: 1.0
The green component.
Default Value: 1.0
The red component.
Default Value: 1.0


static Cesium.Color.add(left, right, result)Color

Computes the componentwise sum of two Colors.
Name Type Description
left Color The first Color.
right Color The second Color.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.byteToFloat(number)Number

Converts a 'byte' color component in the range of 0 to 255 into a 'float' color component in the range of 0 to 1.0.
Name Type Description
number Number The number to be converted.
The converted number.

static Cesium.Color.clone(color, result)Color

Duplicates a Color.
Name Type Description
color Color The Color to duplicate.
result Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined. (Returns undefined if color is undefined)

static Cesium.Color.divide(left, right, result)Color

Computes the componentwise quotient of two Colors.
Name Type Description
left Color The first Color.
right Color The second Color.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.divideByScalar(color, scalar, result)Color

Divides the provided Color componentwise by the provided scalar.
Name Type Description
color Color The Color to be divided.
scalar Number The scalar to divide with.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.equals(left, right)Boolean

Returns true if the first Color equals the second color.
Name Type Description
left Color The first Color to compare for equality.
right Color The second Color to compare for equality.
true if the Colors are equal; otherwise, false.

static Cesium.Color.floatToByte(number)Number

Converts a 'float' color component in the range of 0 to 1.0 into a 'byte' color component in the range of 0 to 255.
Name Type Description
number Number The number to be converted.
The converted number.

static Cesium.Color.fromAlpha(color, alpha, result)Color

Creates a new Color that has the same red, green, and blue components of the specified color, but with the specified alpha value.
Name Type Description
color Color The base color
alpha Number The new alpha component.
result Color optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.
const translucentRed = Cesium.Color.fromAlpha(Cesium.Color.RED, 0.9);

static Cesium.Color.fromBytes(red, green, blue, alpha, result)Color

Creates a new Color specified using red, green, blue, and alpha values that are in the range of 0 to 255, converting them internally to a range of 0.0 to 1.0.
Name Type Default Description
red Number 255 optional The red component.
green Number 255 optional The green component.
blue Number 255 optional The blue component.
alpha Number 255 optional The alpha component.
result Color optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.

static Cesium.Color.fromCartesian4(cartesian, result)Color

Creates a Color instance from a Cartesian4. x, y, z, and w map to red, green, blue, and alpha, respectively.
Name Type Description
cartesian Cartesian4 The source cartesian.
result Color optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.

static Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString(color, result)Color

Creates a Color instance from a CSS color value.
Name Type Description
color String The CSS color value in #rgb, #rgba, #rrggbb, #rrggbbaa, rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), or hsla() format.
result Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The color object, or undefined if the string was not a valid CSS color.
const cesiumBlue = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('#67ADDF');
const green = Cesium.Color.fromCssColorString('green');

static Cesium.Color.fromHsl(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha, result)Color

Creates a Color instance from hue, saturation, and lightness.
Name Type Default Description
hue Number 0 optional The hue angle 0...1
saturation Number 0 optional The saturation value 0...1
lightness Number 0 optional The lightness value 0...1
alpha Number 1.0 optional The alpha component 0...1
result Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The color object.

static Cesium.Color.fromRandom(options, result)Color

Creates a random color using the provided options. For reproducible random colors, you should call CesiumMath#setRandomNumberSeed once at the beginning of your application.
Name Type Description
options Object optional Object with the following properties:
Name Type Default Description
red Number optional If specified, the red component to use instead of a randomized value.
minimumRed Number 0.0 optional The maximum red value to generate if none was specified.
maximumRed Number 1.0 optional The minimum red value to generate if none was specified.
green Number optional If specified, the green component to use instead of a randomized value.
minimumGreen Number 0.0 optional The maximum green value to generate if none was specified.
maximumGreen Number 1.0 optional The minimum green value to generate if none was specified.
blue Number optional If specified, the blue component to use instead of a randomized value.
minimumBlue Number 0.0 optional The maximum blue value to generate if none was specified.
maximumBlue Number 1.0 optional The minimum blue value to generate if none was specified.
alpha Number optional If specified, the alpha component to use instead of a randomized value.
minimumAlpha Number 0.0 optional The maximum alpha value to generate if none was specified.
maximumAlpha Number 1.0 optional The minimum alpha value to generate if none was specified.
result Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.
  • DeveloperError : minimumRed must be less than or equal to maximumRed.
  • DeveloperError : minimumGreen must be less than or equal to maximumGreen.
  • DeveloperError : minimumBlue must be less than or equal to maximumBlue.
  • DeveloperError : minimumAlpha must be less than or equal to maximumAlpha.
//Create a completely random color
const color = Cesium.Color.fromRandom();

//Create a random shade of yellow.
const color1 = Cesium.Color.fromRandom({
    red : 1.0,
    green : 1.0,
    alpha : 1.0

//Create a random bright color.
const color2 = Cesium.Color.fromRandom({
    minimumRed : 0.75,
    minimumGreen : 0.75,
    minimumBlue : 0.75,
    alpha : 1.0

static Cesium.Color.fromRgba(rgba, result)Color

Creates a new Color from a single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value, using the endianness of the system.
Name Type Description
rgba Number A single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value.
result Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The color object.
const color = Cesium.Color.fromRgba(0x67ADDFFF);

static Cesium.Color.lerp(start, end, t, result)Color

Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t between the provided colors.
Name Type Description
start Color The color corresponding to t at 0.0.
end Color The color corresponding to t at 1.0.
t Number The point along t at which to interpolate.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.mod(left, right, result)Color

Computes the componentwise modulus of two Colors.
Name Type Description
left Color The first Color.
right Color The second Color.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.multiply(left, right, result)Color

Computes the componentwise product of two Colors.
Name Type Description
left Color The first Color.
right Color The second Color.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.multiplyByScalar(color, scalar, result)Color

Multiplies the provided Color componentwise by the provided scalar.
Name Type Description
color Color The Color to be scaled.
scalar Number The scalar to multiply with.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.pack(value, array, startingIndex)Array.<Number>

Stores the provided instance into the provided array.
Name Type Default Description
value Color The value to pack.
array Array.<Number> The array to pack into.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.
The array that was packed into

static Cesium.Color.subtract(left, right, result)Color

Computes the componentwise difference of two Colors.
Name Type Description
left Color The first Color.
right Color The second Color.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.

static Cesium.Color.unpack(array, startingIndex, result)Color

Retrieves an instance from a packed array.
Name Type Default Description
array Array.<Number> The packed array.
startingIndex Number 0 optional The starting index of the element to be unpacked.
result Color optional The object into which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.

brighten(magnitude, result)Color

Brightens this color by the provided magnitude.
Name Type Description
magnitude Number A positive number indicating the amount to brighten.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.
const brightBlue = Cesium.Color.BLUE.brighten(0.5, new Cesium.Color());
Returns a duplicate of a Color instance.
Name Type Description
result Color optional The object to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.

darken(magnitude, result)Color

Darkens this color by the provided magnitude.
Name Type Description
magnitude Number A positive number indicating the amount to darken.
result Color The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter.
const darkBlue = Cesium.Color.BLUE.darken(0.5, new Cesium.Color());


Returns true if this Color equals other.
Name Type Description
other Color The Color to compare for equality.
true if the Colors are equal; otherwise, false.

equalsEpsilon(other, epsilon)Boolean

Returns true if this Color equals other componentwise within the specified epsilon.
Name Type Default Description
other Color The Color to compare for equality.
epsilon Number 0.0 optional The epsilon to use for equality testing.
true if the Colors are equal within the specified epsilon; otherwise, false.


Converts this color to an array of red, green, blue, and alpha values that are in the range of 0 to 255.
Name Type Description
result Array.<Number> optional The array to store the result in, if undefined a new instance will be created.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if result was undefined.


Creates a string containing the CSS color value for this color.
The CSS equivalent of this color.


Creates a string containing CSS hex string color value for this color.
The CSS hex string equivalent of this color.


Converts this color to a single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value, using the endianness of the system.
A single numeric unsigned 32-bit RGBA value.
const rgba = Cesium.Color.BLUE.toRgba();


Creates a string representing this Color in the format '(red, green, blue, alpha)'.
A string representing this Color in the format '(red, green, blue, alpha)'.

withAlpha(alpha, result)Color

Creates a new Color that has the same red, green, and blue components as this Color, but with the specified alpha value.
Name Type Description
alpha Number The new alpha component.
result Color optional The object onto which to store the result.
The modified result parameter or a new Color instance if one was not provided.
const translucentRed = Cesium.Color.RED.withAlpha(0.9);
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